I am an individual with a strong faith in God, and my walk with him is a very
personal walk. For years, I attended religious organizations, and their services. Now, in my latter years of life, I no longer attend religious organizations or synagogues. I am not going to say, it is bad to go to a religious organization, because even Jesus said that we are to listen to what "they" the preachers say, for they speak the truth. There is another part, of what Jesus said... If you attend a religious organization, I hope it is to learn the truths that are spoken. I hope that you use those truths in your own lives, to be a better human being. I hate to say it, but I think we all know, there exists a lot of politics in a religious organization. Notice, I do not refer to a religious organization, as a "Church"... That is because, you can NOT attend a "Church"... You can attend a religious organization, and you can attend a synagogue. I believe God refers to the "Church", as his people. We are the Church, Me and You, the believers in Christ. So why do I no longer attend religious organizations? Years ago, I approached most of the largest religious organizations in Charlotte, NC. I asked those who commanded those religious organizations, to help me build great initiatives for God, in so, those initiatives could help the lives of the less fortunate. These leaders, of these great religious organizations, are what I call, "Doubters and Dividers". They are leaders, that fail to remember God's command for God's church, that it work as one, and NOT apart. They also doubt that greater initiatives for God, can be created by anyone other than themselves. These are leaders, whom ask communities to help them build million dollar life centers, that are paid for within six months. I ask a question, If I had stood in the presence of Jesus, and asked Jesus, to help me build great initiatives, that would magnified God's will, would Jesus have denied me? I think we all know the answer to that question. I am not saying, that all religious organization leadership are "Doubters and Dividers". But I am saying, those I asked, they are. I will close to say, we all know, politics play a great role in our society and politics are alive and well at religious organizations, as it also plays a role in businesses. I believe, God, does NOT want politics to be within the hearts and minds, of his Church. God's will is simple, "That a life would be saved"... I have watched most my life, where the people and leadership of religious organizations failed to work together with others, to broaden initiatives, that serves God's will. But let us not be burdened, by the choices of others. Each of us, must do our best, to go into the world, even if we stand by ourselves, to do the simple will of God. Do not hold bad against others, for they will one day see the truth, which they can't see now. They will one day see how "Unity" is defined through God's own eyes. So, if you feel, you were let down by a religious organization in some way, let that not discourage you to continue your own individual walk with God, and doing good along the way. Go speak to the lost, that a soul is found, I assure you, God will hold that action way above the actions of those who raise a 10-million dollar life center in his name. Your individual walk with God, it can make a difference. Go out and be the light and the truth.
Are you Rich, or are you Poor?
Look at yourselves closely, and look beyond your financial success. Are you happy? Do you have a good circle of friends and family? Are you happy in your daily work? Do your friends and family respect you, for who you are, and not for what you have? Do you have a higher purpose in life, or do you seek out only things in the world? Man often determines whether you are rich or poor, based on what assets you hold. I hope today, you will look beyond what man thinks of being rich and poor. I've often thought, a roof over our heads, food in our mouths, and good health, is a good starting foundation of being rich. Surround yourselves with people, whom care about you as an individual. Do not let work control you, but rather, you take control of your work. Learn to control Debt, do not let Debt control your life. There is a saying, "Debt" is a rich man's trap. Do not fall in their trap, to merely become a slave to work. Take control of your free time, always following and do something that makes you happy and brings you joy. Like many things in life, being Rich or Poor, is often decided by our choices. Do not focus on the things you do not have, but focus on what you have. Riches can be found in Simplicity. Simplicity, will not cost you a fortune, nor is simplicity difficult for one to build. Do not let the world overwhelm you. Start small in all things that you do. At the end of the day, in what ever you do, pursue happiness, over riches. For if you achieve happiness in life, you will have achieved a greater wealth than most men will ever find. Happiness, is man's greatest resource, but one he often neglects to search for. Choose happiness, in all you do, so your life will be filled and blessed in richness. Neglect in searching for happiness, and you are sure to find poverty. My first Blog post will be to briefly touch on something I believe we all think about at some point
in our lives. We often may look at our society, and we see so much bad occurring. Sometimes, the bad, can seem to out weigh the good. There is a lot of good in our society, you just have to search it out. It also does not hurt, if each morning, we wake, and we choose to "be" the good in the world. Sometimes we forget, that just being able to wake up in the mornings is a blessing in itself. Let us be thankful for the simple things in life. It may not seem like that is a big deal, but God granted you and me, another day, is that not good? How will we spend our days? Will we spend it doing "Good" or doing "Evil"? From what I have read in the good book, as far as I have read, it only speaks of two types of people, it speaks of the "Good" and of the "Evil". To be one of the either, it requires each of us to make a daily choice. I think if we each look around, if we take the time, we can see some good that needs to be done. I hope today, you will go out in society, and if you see the need, that you choose to be the good. Even the smallest gesture of good, can create a lasting seed in another person's heart. |
AuthorI'm just a person, sharing my thoughts. Someone that does not claim to know all the answers, but I hope that my words will in some manner, inspire you to do something good. ArchivesCategories |